Psychotherapy for Individual, Couples and Groups

Learn the tools of growing a healthier life

Individual Therapy

If you are ready for help in healing your addiction, your stress or trauma you have come to the right place.

Group Therapy

Develop communication techniques
skills-building and practicing healthy connections.

Couples Therapy

Couples counseling can provide change and growth for couples ready to heal and willing to ask for help.

Stress, Anxiety, & Depression

Stressors are a normal part of many peoples’ lives.  Substances or unhealthy behaviors used to medicate stress eventually stop working and sometimes create even more stress.  There is no quick fix, but if you are ready to learn new ways to prevent or alleviate daily stressors, you can take more charge over your body, your mind and your life with individual therapy.  You are worth the investment of time and money to learn the tools of growing a healthier life.

Couples Counseling

Wanting your relationship to improve is important, and it takes willingness to learn new communication skills and a commitment to practice them.  It takes an acceptance of what you can change and the willingness to make those changes.  It also takes acceptance of what you cannot change and the willingness to allow your partner to be responsible for making changes, too. In couples and marriage counseling or therapy, you and your partner can receive objective, experienced advice and guidance in improving your relationship.  Carol believes strongly in helping your grow toward deeper emotional intimacy.

Sexual Addictions

Addictions to pornography, sex or romantic relationships are intimacy disorders. The very intimate connections for which our brains are wired are sabotaged by these addictions. As a Certified Sexual Addiction Therapist, Carol has helped hundreds of people and their partners recover from the damage of these addictions.


You are not your addiction.  Addictions are used to feel better or get relief, but they usually create more problems in your life.  Most people try everything they know to avoid those problems or even to stop an addiction before asking for help.  The shame and secrecy of an addiction affects your relationship with yourself and those you love.  Whether your addiction is to a drug, alcohol, other substances; or to processes, like sex, relationships, work, avoidance, spending, debiting, etc., it takes courage to ask for help.  As an Internationally Certified Alcohol and Drug Addiction Counselor and a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist-Supervisor, Carol can help you live more intentionally and with greater authenticity.

"Asking for help and being willing to change are two giant steps toward a healthier life.”

"Promoting personal growth and change.”

“Addictions to porn, sex or romantic relationships are intimacy disorders"

”Traumas are cumulative, so even if you think you haven’t had a significant trauma, you may have a history of “little traumas”

Post Traumatic Stress

Traumas are stressors that feel threatening to your life, your safety or your security.  A significant trauma can cause post-traumatic symptoms like nightmares, sleep disturbance, panic attacks, flashbacks, depression, anxiety, startle response or increased use of addictive substances or behaviors. Traumas are cumulative, so even if you think you haven’t had a significant trauma, you may have a history of “little traumas”, and are at a point in your life where your unwanted post-traumatic responses are causing you problems.  Carol has many years of experience and training in treating trauma, including Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing or EMDR.

Group Therapy

As an adjunct to your individual therapy, a group can be a catalyst to faster insight, communication skills-building and practicing healthy connection. All groups are gender-specific and limited to a
maximum of 5 people. Check with Carol to see what groups she is currently offering.

Contact Me

Ask a question or book an appointment below. For emergencies call 911 or visit your nearest hospital

13 + 4 =

(520) 405-1471

200 W Magee Rd., Suite 100, Tucson, AZ 85704